Maternity Reflexology

Maternity Reflexology & Needle Free Acupuncture
Maternity Reflexology for you and your baby call Dr Melanie Jones today for a free 10 minute consultation to see how we can help you 07896047660

Call Melanie on 07896 047 660 or email for more information.

Maternity Reflexology, how is it different? 
A Maternity Reflexologist has undergone specific training in using reflexology as a natural therapy; to support pre-conception, pregnancy, labour and throughout the postnatal period.
Dr Melanie Jones (PhD) has also worked with women who are considering or trying to get pregnant, have infertility issues, polycystic ovary syndrome, and who are undergoing IVF.

The ideal is to have some reflexology throughout the pregnancy
"some studies have shown that women who received Reflexology during pregnancy have a shorter more comfortable Labour" (J. Wright, Hamlyn, 2003 Reflexology and Acupressure.)

If cost is an issue but you still want regular treatments then please ask about a Maternity Reflexology priced package.

Call me for a free 10 minute telephone consultation and I will try to answer your questions personally.
Dr Melanie Jones (PhD).
01467 642114
07896 047 660 

Reflexology can help your body improve its relaxation response throughout your whole pregnancy. Relaxation reduces Stress and is the key to Good Health throughout Pregnancy.

Many pregnancy associated problems can be the result of hormonal changes, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and redistribution of weight. 

Reflexology aims to help restore and maintain a healthy balanced body and mind by helping to relieve stress and tension, improve nerve function, blood supply and strengthen the immune system (according to the USA International Instutute of Reflexology). Ingham Method Reflexology should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment but it offers a safe non-invasive method of therapy at all stages of pregnancy even within the first 3 months.

Dr Melanie Jones recommends that all clients tell their caregiver (e.g. consultant, doctor or midwife) that they are going to have Maternity Reflexology. This is because responsible Maternity Reflexologist's prefer to work within an orthodox medical framework.
Only with the caregivers permission would a Maternity Reflexologist work hand and foot reflexes for the following problems; blood pressure regulation (excluding pre-eclampsia) diarrhoea, persistent headache, fluid retention and cystitis. You should contact your midwife, doctor or consultant initially if you have these symptoms.

Many clients seeking a Maternity reflexologist may have been told by friends, relatives and colleagues that Reflexology may be useful for the myriad of problems that may occur during pregnancy. We apologise but due to an Advertising Standards Agency ruling which governs all reflexologists we can no longer list this kind of information on the website. Instead you can take advantage of the free 10 minute telephone Consultation with Dr Melanie Jones and discuss if Reflexology or Needle Free Acupuncture would potentially be suitable for your needs. Call 07896 047 660 or 01467 642114.

You are welcome to relax during the treatment but if you choose there can be a large element of self help involved with Hand Reflexology and with the Needle free Acupuncture. During your first treatment if you were experiencing for example morning sickness you would observe how we work the reflex zones on your hand so you could work for example selected reflexes (for the digestive system, oesophagus reflex, endocrine system) and could therefore begin to potentially help yourself by working certain points on your own hand yourself. 

If you chose a session of needle free acupuncture then you would see the points to work for heartburn, constipation, anaemia, gestational diabetes, carpal tunnel, changes in appetite, later stage backache and aching legs and feet, fatigue, anxiety, hyperventilation, haemorrhoids, dizziness and pelvic floor and SPD to extend the life of your initial treatment and work in-between treatments with Dr Melanie Jones (PhD).

Carpal Tunnel
Melanie has had many Maternity Reflexology clients and has particular experience working with clients with carpal tunnel syndrome (which is numbness, weakness, pain caused by pressure on the median nerve at the wrist) with some interesting effects,
 "even with just 10 minutes of Hand Reflexology the Carpal Tunnel went away and didn''t come back" Mrs L.W. NHS Nurse. Aberdeen

Foot Reflexology.
Some Reflexologists believe that the reflex areas change during pregnancy. As the body organs move up in the rib cage to accommodate the baby the reflex areas on the feet and hands move accordingly.
Can you look at the inside edge of your ankle. Have you noticed any lumps or bumps appear since you became pregnant? Is there any distinct puffiness in this area? If so please let Melanie know as we are interested in documenting this for a pilot research project.

Working on your own feet while you are pregnant is really difficult (as they are hard to reach) and so this is best done by a qualified Maternity Reflexologist. However in the Ingham Method we use special Reflexology Foot Rollers that you can learn to use to work the reflexes on the base of the foot inbetween sessions. This extends the effectiveness of the reflexology session and adds to the value of the Maternity Reflexology.

Hand Reflexology and its uses.
Hand Reflexology is still an unusual therapy and a particular speciality of mine so I use it at every treatment. The hands charts of Ingham Method Reflexology represent a mini-map of the entire body. Hands are easier for you to work yourself than the feet and therefore are of great benefit for self-help. During pregnancy and labour you can take some measure of control and use a hand reflexology, spiky ball called an Optimal Reflex Ball to give yourself a mini relaxing treatment.

Working the hand reflexes may potentially for example: induce deep relaxation, revitalise your energy, balance your emotions and help the body systems. You are encouraged to work your own hand reflexes once you are confident and have had sufficient practice, so that during the labour you can treat yourself.

Dr Melanie Jones (PhD) has trained with Moshe Kruche and also with the late Gill Thomson a midwife who specialised in Suzanne Enzers Maternity Reflexology Method. (see links page for website).

Try the 7 breath relaxation (see link above) if you want to learn how to relax very easily. It is a great habit to form so that you can truly relax in any situation or at any time you choose!

If you are having trouble with insomnia then try this shortened version of the 7 breath relaxation as this aims to help you to sleep or go back to sleep if you have woken in the night.



Call Melanie for a free 10-minute telephone consultation and Melanie will recommend you the best treatment to start with, or help you choose a program which can be specially personalised and tailored to your needs at your first appointment.

Melanie is based at the established natural health Paradise Clinic in Corner of Paradise Road, Kemnay, Aberdeenshire, AB51 5NB.

A wide range of clients come to Kemnay from Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and beyond.

Kemnay is very close to Inverurie and the A96. Kemnay is a 20-minute drive from Aberdeen on the dual carriageway. 


Dr Melanie Jones PhD (non-medical research)


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