
BLOGS: Run by Natalie, a pediatrician. Worth a look which has some interesting Maternity articles.

Acupuncture Courses with Jong Baik

I can highly recommend Jong Baiks courses. I recently attended the Ear Reflexology course which involved using tiny tourmaline balls taped onto the ear for a variety of conditions. The plasters used are virtually invisible, easy to apply and I am getting great results with my clients.

Bach Flower Remedies

Dr Melanie Jones at Paradise Clinic recommends highly Bach Flower Remedies. The Rescue Remedy is probably the most well known. The Emotional Eating Pack of 3 is excellent value. If you want to know more about Bach Flower Remedies there is a short free 30 minutes course that you can take. Just follow the link here

best of aberdeen

For testimonials including a talking testimonial about Reflexology and Dr Melanie Jones please go to the best of aberdeen website

1) Comfrey Oil information, its historic and medicinal usage with evidence on modern clinical trials. It is now believed that the allatoin (a main component of comfrey) is responsible for the growth and multiplication of skin cells 

2) There have also been clinical trials where Comfrey Oil has responded well “Both active topical comfrey formulations were effective in relieving pain and stiffness and in improving physical functioning and were superior to placebo in those with primary osteoarthritis of the knee without serious adverse effects.”

3) “The results of this clinical trial were clear-cut and consistent across all primary and secondary efficacy variables. Comfrey root extract showed a remarkably potent and clinically relevant effect in reducing acute back pain. For the first time a fast-acting effect of the ointment (1 h) was also witnessed.”

4) In the 17th century, Nicholas Culpeper (1616–1654) mentioned comfrey in his enlarged version of The English Physitian (Culpeper, 1656). He stated: ‘It is said to be so powerful to consolidate and knit together (…) and a Syrup made thereof is very effectual for all those (…) outward Wounds and Sores in the Fleshy or Sinewy part of the Body whatsoever’. He recommended comfrey among many other complaints for ‘Inward Wounds & Bruises, Wounds, Ruptures, broken Bones, Inflamation, Gout, and Pained Joynts.’

Today, this historical statement is widely supported by modern clinical data. Several recent randomized clinical trials substantiate the efficacy of topical comfrey preparations in the treatment of pain, inflammation and swelling of muscles and joints in the case of degenerative arthritis, acute myalgia in the back, sprains, contusions and strains after sports injuries and accidents, also in children aged 3 and over.

Complementary Natural Health Register

Dr Melanie Jones is registered with the UK Government regulator for Complementary Therapies. To search the register type in Melanie Jones and tick the reflexology box. Thank you for your interest.

Designer Jewellery with tiny footprints

Paradise Clinic website supports the work of Jewellery Designer Wendy Kemp. In the past Wendy has produced beautiful articles containing tiny footprints and 25% of proceeds go to SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity. Ask her if she will do the same for you!

How to Relax in 7 Breaths with Dr Melanie Jones

You tube video. How to Relax in 7 Breaths. If you like this then please let me know! Melanie Paradise Clinic. If you want the link for the introduction to the relaxation here it is

International Institute of Reflexology

The only school licensed to teach the Original Ingham Method in Reflexology.

Jikiden Reiki for Natural Healing

Gisela Stewart - tutor for Jikiden Reiki courses held in Kemnay and organised by Dr Melanie Jones at Paradise Clinic, Kemnay.

Maternity Reflexology Training

Dr Melanie Jones (PhD) has undertaken Maternity Reflexology training with Moshe Kruche see for more details.

Research report on Infertility and Reflexology

The Daily Mail reported on the 8th March 2010 on a research project looking at infertility and the use of reflexology. If you click on the link to read what they say....sorry it doesn''t work but if you cut and paste this link into your browser it will take you straight to the article!

The Federation of Small Businesses

Dr Melanie Jones is Treasurer for the South Aberdeenshire Branch of The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

Using the 7 Breath Relaxation to help you sleep

I have had feedback that the 7 breath relaxation when used in bed at night can help you to sleep. I have therefore removed the elements that bring you back out of the relaxation so you can carry on sleeping and wake naturally. Do try this one and let me have any feedback? Many thanks, Melanie. Here is the introduction to the 7 Breath Relaxation is the actual 7 breath relaxation

VSA the best of care

Aberdeenshire Carers' Support. Contact Lucy Whiteman on 01654 873 953 for more information on this Charitable organisation. At a recent event Dr Melanie Jones provided Hand Reflexology to 10 carers. Bskincare and OrganicaJ also provided freshly made ointments and balms for the carers pamper packs.

Yoga helps top footballers

Yoga is hip for footballers! So sorry this is no longer available on the website

Lynne Booth Vertical Reflex Therapy

Natalie, a pediatrician runs the blog which has some interesting articles.


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