Workshop & Talks

For Workshops and Talks contact Dr Melanie Jones PhD Paradise Clinic Kemnay Aberdeenshire

Melanie is available to come into your workplace or come to your group to give a talk on any of the subjects on the Paradise Clinic website.

In the past Melanie has done:

  • Demonstrations of Hand Reflexology and Hand Acupuncture
  • Workshops on Relaxation
  • Talks on Skincare in relation to Comfrey, Pain and Arthritis
  • Workplace Yoga
  • YogaBites
  • Chair Based Yoga
  • DRU Yoga
  • Pregnancy Yoga
  • Tools for Managing Pain (to NHS Pain Clinic)

Call Melanie on 07896047660 (Amy please link to Call button) for more information and to book yourself into her diary!


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